Modern Game Fowl

(Redirected from American Game Fowl)

Modern Game Bantams. Modern Game Bantams began to appear in the 1860’s and by the early 1900’s, like their large counterparts had evolved into the type of birds we see today. Their numbers did not suffer like their large counterparts during the First World War as they were far cheaper to keep, consuming less feed. Modern Game are a man-made breed originating from the fighting game fowl. They were developed between 1850 and 1900 and their full history is well documented in the old poultry books. With the advent of poultry shows, following the abolition of cock fighting in England in 1849, judges started looking for taller birds, shorter hackle and smaller. CA - Modern Games Large Fowl Modern Games Red Pyle female line Contact: Stephanie Davis Email- or Text- (916)715-0252. VA - Modern Games Modern Game bantams in BB Red, Blue, Splash, Black, and Red Pyle. Modern Large Fowl in BB Red.

American Game
Conservation statusLivestock Conservancy: study[1]
Country of originUnited States
  • Male:
  • Female:
Egg colorbrown[3]
Comb typeSingle
APALarge fowl: no[4]
Bantam: modern game bantam[4]
  • Gallus domesticus

Modern Game Fowl Recognized Variety

  1. The Old English Game fowl have their origins almost with the beginnings of history. With the outlawing of cockfighting in England, the Pit Game was bred for exhibition. Modern Games were developed from the Old English and have an extremely high station with a rather peculiar style and carriage as a result.
  2. The modern game body shape means that flight is minimal, they can jump quite high and will glide back down to the ground in the same way most pekings do. They do not need their wings clipped as this is their number 1 defence mechanism against cats etc.

The American Game is an American breed of game fowl, chickens bred specifically for cockfighting. It has many color varieties, and may also be kept for ornament.[3]

  • 1History


The American Game was bred for cockfighting. The full-size ('large fowl') American Game is not recognized by the American Poultry Association, which in 2009 recognized the American Game Bantam in ten colors. The American Game is not among the fifty-three chicken breeds reported by the National Animal Germplasm Program of the USDA Agricultural Research Service to the DAD-IS database of the FAO,[8] nor is it recognized by the Entente Européenne d'Aviculture et de Cuniculture[6] or by the Poultry Club of Great Britain.[7] Its conservation status is listed by the Livestock Conservancy as 'study'.[1]

Some American Game have been exported to the United Kingdom. In 2002 there were fewer than a hundred birds there.[9]

American Game Bantam[edit]

The bantam version of the American Game does not derive from the original large fowl. It was created in New Jersey in the 1940s by a breeder named Frank Gary. He cross-bred the wild Red Jungle Fowl with fighting bantams of the type known at the time as 'pit game'.[2]:106 The American Game Bantam was listed in the yearbook of the American Bantam Association from 1950,[5], and was admitted to the Standard of Perfection of the American Poultry Association in 2009.[4]

Modern game fowl australiaModern


The standard-sized American Game is bred in a wide range of plumage colors; cock birds have long sickle feathers.[3]

The American Game Bantam has a small five-pointed single comb and small smooth wattles and earlobes.[2]:107 Ten color varieties are recognized by the APA: birchen; black; black-breasted red; blue; blue red; brown red; golden duckwing; red pyle; silver duckwing; and white.[4] Two others, 'brassy back' and wheaten, are also raised.[2]:107


The American Game was bred for cockfighting. It is a good table bird, and may be kept for ornament. Hens lay brown eggs.[3] As with other fighting breeds, for exhibition the comb, earlobes and wattles are cut off ('dubbed').[2]:107

Modern Game Fowl Recognized Variety Brown Red


  1. ^ abConservation Priority List: Chickens The Livestock Conservancy. Accessed June 2017
  2. ^ abcdefCarol Ekarius (2007). Storey's Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds. North Adams, Massachusetts: Storey Publishing. ISBN9781580176675.
  3. ^ abcdLarge Fowl American Game The Livestock Conservancy. Accessed June 2017
  4. ^ abcdAPA Recognized Breeds and Varieties: As of January 1, 2012. American Poultry Association. Archived 4 November 2017.
  5. ^ abMark Rosen ([s.d.]). What's The Difference???. American Bantam Association. Accessed June 2017
  6. ^ abListe des races et variétés homologuée dans les pays EE (28.04.2013). Entente Européenne d’Aviculture et de Cuniculture. Archived 16 June 2013.
  7. ^ abBreed Classification. Poultry Club of Great Britain. Archived 12 June 2018.
  8. ^Breeds reported by United States of America: Chicken. Domestic Animal Diversity Information System of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Accessed June 2017.
  9. ^American Game/United Kingdom. Domestic Animal Diversity Information System of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Accessed June 2017.

Standard Modern Game Fowl


Modern Game Fowl Eggs For Sale

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