Game Maker Particle System

Particle types need to be defined only once and can then be used everywhere in the game. Secondly there are particle systems. There can be different particle systems in the game. A particle system can have particles of the different types. A particle system has emitters that create the particles, either continuously or in bursts.

Posted by4 years ago

Game Particle Effect

Particle System. Particle systems work precisely for the beautification and realizing of the effects in the game. These game assets improve the aesthetics of a game, enhancing the overall quality. Game Maker is a free program which can be used to create 2D computer games, and I highly recommend it to people who would like to start creating simple computer games but have little or no programming experience. The sPart system is a 3D particle system for Gamemaker Studio 2 that provides you with a fast and easy way to create beautiful particle effects in 3D. It aims to be similar in use to the built-in 2D particle system in Gamemaker. In this part we are going to explore using Particles in the Godot Engine. Particles are generally sprites, either provided by you or generated programmatically, that are controlled by a unified system. Think of a rain storm, each drop of rain would represent a particle, but the entire storm itself would be the particle system. The particle system, particle types and particle emitters all take up memory and as such you should be very careful how you use them as it is very easy to cause a memory leak which will slow down and eventually crash your game, so each particle type and emitter (and possibly the system itself) should be destroyed the moment it is not needed. Before setting up a particle system it's important to note that most of a particle systems code is only ever called once in a game, usually in some type of controller object in the first room or level (this is not always the case, but it is a general rule of thumb). This is because a particle system, once created, stays in memory and is ready to be used at any time, so if you create it more than once it can quickly increase the memory usage and eventually cause serious lag or even crashing.

So I just got the hang of using particle, but I noticed some obsolete functions that would be very handy in my game, but they are obsolete. They didn't get rid of them and replace them with a better function, they got rid of them because it was better for performance... Which made no sense to me, since hardware has only gotten better since the old days of Gamemaker.


Particle Effects Gamemaker

Has anyone gotten particle deflectors or attractors working in Gamemaker Studio? Can anyone think of a good alternative? I'd want objects that block particles or push and pull them.

Game Maker Particle Designer