Supervisory Plan Deped

Daily Lesson Log (DLL) is a template that teachers use to log parts of their daily lessons. The Daily Lesson Log covers a day’s or a week’s worth of lessons.

  1. Supervisory Plan Deped Sample
  2. Supervisory Report Of Deped

SUPERVISORY PLAN Title 16, California Code of Regulations (CCR) Sections 1870.1 and 1822 require all associate clinical social workers and professional clinical counselor interns and licensed mental health professionals acceptable to the Board as defined in Business and Professions Code Section. INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP and SUPERVISION. Preparation of supervisory plan: instructional needs, focus for week or thrust, supervisory activities, schedule, teachers. The DepEd had released new guidelines in choosing honor pupils and students from Grades 1 to 10 following the reforms introduced under t.

Supervisory Plan Deped Sample


Daily Lesson Log guidelines for daily lesson preparation was issued by the Department of Education to institutionalize instructional planning which is a critical part of the teaching and learning process in public schools. These guidelines are meant to support teachers in effectively organizing and managing K to 12 classrooms to be genuinely responsive to learners’ needs.

A supervisor. As a supervisor, your effectiveness will be judged primarily on the results achieved by your technical or clerical staff rather than on how technically proficient you are as an individual underwriter, rater, or claim representative. The skills demanded of you in a supervisory job are different. Supervision Strategies. Supervision of instruction must be built on the observer's thorough understanding and in-depth knowledge of instructional theory, not on a check list of what should be in a lesson. Gathering Data. Three main sources of information help identify a teacher's competency on the four SB 813 criteria.

  1. SAN VICENTE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ANNUAL INSTRUCTIONAL SUPERVISORY PLAN MONTH SUPERVISION. September 2012 Observing Classes Monitoring and rigid supervision on the preparation of DepEd Forms and records Enhancing Teachers' creativity in the preparation of Instructional Devices.
  2. 1 This is merely an example of a plan of heightened supervision. It is not to be assumed that all supervisory plans will resemble this example. For the duration of disqualified individual statutory disqualification, the firm name must obtain prior approval from Member Regulation if they.
  3. A Plan for Supervision 3 A Plan for Supervision and Evaluation The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Standards for School Leaders (2008) Standard 1 states: “A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation,.

These guidelines in the preparation of K-12 Daily Lesson Log shall instill reflective practice among teachers by providing them opportunities to think about and reflect on their instructional practices. K-12

Deped supervisory plan format

Daily Lesson Log preparation is part of the teacher’s core function as a facilitator of learning inside the classroom. Well-prepared and well-planned lessons are fundamental to ensuring the delivery of quality teaching and learning in schools.

Instructional supervisory plan deped sample

As a DepEd guideline, teachers with at least one (1) year of teaching experience, including teachers with private school and higher education institution (HEI) teaching experience, shall not be required to make a Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP). Teachers who have been in the service for at least one (1) year, handling learning areas with available LMs and TGs provided by the Department shall not be required to prepare a DLP. Instead, they shall be required to fill out a weekly K-12 Daily Lesson Log (DLL). Teachers are allowed to work together in preparing DLLs. Seasoned or veteran teachers shall also mentor new or novice teachers in the preparation of DLLs.

To Download DLL’s, just navigate through the following links.

Supervisory Report Of Deped

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